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Multilingual Education
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About MLE
Frequently Asked Questions
Consent Decree
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About Programs
Bilingual TNLI Programs
Dual Language Programs
ESL Programs
World Languages
Newcomer Centers
Zone Schools
Seal of Biliteracy
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Seal of Biliteracy
Seal of Biliteracy Criteria
Family Engagement
Family Engagement
District-Wide Advisory Committee
District-Wide Advisory Committee
Language Allocation Guidelines and Guidance
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Language Allocation Guidelines and Guidance
ECE-5 Language Allocation Guidelines
6-12 Language Allocation Guidelines
ECE-5 LAG Implementation Guidance
6-12 LAG implementation guidance
6-12 LAG instructional guidance
Bilingual Assessment Guidance
ECE-5 Bilingual Instruction Tutorials
6-12 Bilingual Instruction Tutorials
LAG Family and Community
Guidance for PP1 MLLs with Disabilities
Guidance for GT PPF1 MLLs
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Frequently Asked Questions
What decisions will I make at registration?
What if my student has registered at a DPS school in previous years? Do I need to complete new MLE forms?
What do I need to bring to registration?
My student went to school in another country. Will my student be in the same grade if I register them at DPS school?
MLE Services
What are my choices for a language development program for my student?
What is a bilingual program?
What will my student learn in an ESL/ELA-E program?
What is the Seal of Biliteracy?
How can I help my student succeed?
How can I become involved in my student’s school?
MLL Identification
What does it mean for my student’s education to be identified as an MLL?
What if my student is misidentified?
As a parent or guardian, how can I be part of the Identification conversation?
If my student moves to a different school, will they need to go through the identification process again in order to receive MLE program services?
I received a letter from Multilingual Education stating that my student has been identified as a Multilingual Learner. What does this mean?
What can I do when my student is placed in a classroom that is not correct for them?
Why does my student need to take the ACCESS test annually?
Will my student be negatively impacted if they don’t take the ACCESS test?
Redesignation and Exit from Program
What does it mean when my student is redesignated?
My student has been redesignated and moved into a different classroom. Is there any way that they can stay with the same teacher until the end of the school year?
Why is my student being monitored even after they have met English proficiency?
Why was my student re-entered into MLE services?
What does Exit mean for my student?